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Guestbook continued, page 3 of 4
Thank you so much for sharing your daughter's life and death with me. I had heard about Angela and this web site. What a moving experience it has been to read about your daughter and how she has affected so many even after death. As I face the anxiety of sending my oldest child, my only daughter, off to college in the fall I will think often of your sacrifice. I pray that my daughter may live to serve God as fully as your's did. Thank you! Debbi Langmuir <JLangmuir@aol.com> Manheim, PA USA - Saturday, March 21, 1998 at 00:07:52 (EST) It is hard to give your child back to the Lord, my wife and I also had a little girl die. She was only eighteen months old. We know how hard it is to say goodbye. Maybe, this quote from Zelie Martin can help you resign yourself to God's will. "Some children belong only to God." Michael Sapienza <new1sapi@tir.com> Livonia, Mi USA - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 23:50:09 (EST) Hello, My friend Colleen (her message is below) told me about your website. I am quite touched by your daughter's life, faith and her selflessness during the last moments of her life on earth. I'm sure that you, like all of us who have lost loved ones, look forward to that happy day when we are all reunited in Heaven. I'm sure Angela is waiting for you and watching over you all. I will keep your family in my prayers. Rachel <bucaro8126@duq.edu> - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 21:19:31 (EST) To the Baird Family~ i must tell you that your daughter has really touched my heart and soul. She sounds as though she had the most beautiful soul in the world! My Mom read me an article about your Angela last night over the phone and told me that it had brought herself and my Dad to tears to read this article and then she gave me to web site i could go to so i could find out more about your daughter's life and death (my parents don't have access to the net on their computer so i am printing out all of the articles on this web site to show them so they can know as much about your daughter as i now do). Your Angela was a very devoute and spiritual person and i can only hope that through me reading all about her i might be able to attempt to follow her immpeccabel example of what God really wanted us to be like on this earth. i will keep you and your family in my prayers hoping that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit help you to be comforted in your loss (but Their great gain). Your Friends in Christ~ Colleen Gjerde, Anne Gjerde and Kurt Gjerde Colleen Gjerde <gjecol96@pct.edu> Williamsport, PA U.S.A. - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 14:46:57 (EST) angela, pray for us. paul tyson <rtyson@mail.wiscnet.net> baileys harbor , wi usa - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 00:18:38 (EST) I am so moved after reading about Angela!! I had received an email asking for prayers at the time of her fall. I didn't even know who she was, but I prayed. Now after hearing about Angela in all kinds of Catholic newspapers and magazines I have come to know and love her. I want you to know that she has inspired me and encouraged me!! She is a beautiful example to all of us. I am 17 and every Saturday my family and I go out to the abortion mill to counsel girls and pray the Rosary for the unborn babies in danger of being killed. Now after reading about your beautiful daughter, I will continue my efforts for the unborn with renewed zeal for life!!! God Bless you!! Kati Reyburn <catholic-vision@juno.com> Kissimmee, FL USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 19:40:33 (EST) I cannot add any more to the words of thanks in the previous comments. Angela's story - God's story - of love and faithfulness and life is truly an inspiration for all, especially for those of us in the Pro_life ministry. Thank you for sharing Angela with the world through this site. My prayers, love, and thanks are with you. Bob Ley <lfl-net@ix.netcom.com> Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 12:53:41 (EST) Thank you for leaving such an overwhelming story to inspire so many people. I read it in the March/April "Celebrate Life" and although I feel your loss, what a wonderful memory for you to know your daughter was so inspirational and dedicated to the good cause of Pro-Life. God bless you and keep you in His care. Angela will also take care of you in her special place in the arms of the Lord. Mary M. Goldbeck <mmgoldbeck@aol.com> Annapolis, MD USA - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 19:34:27 (EST) To the Michael A Baird Family I spent the evening at your brother and sister-in-laws home. I met Martin thru his activities in the K of C. I enjoy his entire family. We are all praying for you and your family. Martin got the 18 Jan OSV and I was able to read the article. I will very soon enroll The Michael A Baird Family in the Power of Prayer Inc. which is an approved Marian International prayer ministry headquarter in Dubuque IA. Angela's story inspires me. I will seek her intercession in my prayers especially for pro-life intentions. Mark S Delaplaine <johndel@camalott.com> Sweetwater, TX USA - Sunday, March 15, 1998 at 01:50:48 (EST) I was very moved by your story. God Bless You. Kevin <proplayer@webtv.net> secaucus, nj - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 15:13:14 (EST) Simply, thank you. Deborah L. Large <Debbie@mannlaw.com> Terre Haute, IN USA - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 12:45:07 (EST) Hello! Thank you for sharing your story with us. Death is a hard thing to go through, especially this kind. I will say a prayer for your family tonight before bed. Hopefully you are feeling a little better about Angela. Don't worry - she went to heaven. Bye Bye and thanks! Laura Theby <let@drsys.com> Missouri United States - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 22:47:23 (EST) Dear Baird Family, Thankyou for sharing Angela's story with all of us! Her life is trully inspirational. I have chosen Angela to be the focus of my pro-life speech, required of every senior at Seton highschool. I hope to challenge other young people to take Angela's example and live and die for the unborn babies. May God bless! Lauren manassas, VA - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 21:01:41 (EST) Be assured that she is with the Angels and continually in our prayers. Andrea Brooks, class of '96 Andrea Brooks <abrooks@thomasaquinas.edu> Ojai, CA USA - Tuesday, March 03, 1998 at 12:19:16 (EST) "Death is the term and decisive moment of life. Before death, man appears truly great. And until that solemn, powerful and fortunate day, he has not yet reached the heights of his greatness. All Virtues need the consecration of death to appear in all their brilliance." Pere Lacordaire "The soul knows that it is God's custom to call before their time the souls whom He loves greatly." St. John of the Cross Angela's Virtues radiated during her last moments and continue to radiate. Hers was a soul that God loved in one of those special ways. She was truly blessed to have witnessed in such a fashion, and our Church is blessed to have a modern witness like your Angela. Angela, pray for us. Patrick Serna Patrick Serna <jpserna@pcn.net> Rome, Italy - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 18:51:12 (EST) There is no words to express what Angela's life and death has done in my life as a mother of four (23,19,18,18) and working on a daily basis with teens in youth ministry, this story will be the simplest way to explain to my children and teens why we have been created and place in this earth. It is to live a life like Angela did. As a 25 yr. convert to the catholic church it has been hard for me to relate to the lives of our saints , but today on Ash wednesday the LORD has given me a gift one that I have yearned the most ; God's desire to use us and is calling all to be saints. It is hard for young people to see the goodness that is in them but with Angela's story they not only can relate to her as teen but can be challenge to respond to God's call :come and follow me. May her life and fragrance fill all my life and all the people that will read and hear about her. May she will be the advocate in heaven and earth to all the unborn children. May her spirit challenge us all to be advocates of the suffering. May GOD bless you and your family what a privilge to have met a true christian family . I am encourage to attached this story to all my friends and family in Puerto Rico, my prayers and fasting today are for you. Sandra Sandra Robert <Rrobert6@worldnet.att.net> Chesterfield, mo USA - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 14:17:21 (EST) The childern are our future. Chance Masterson <striker@ns.ados.com> St Helens, OR USA - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 04:15:49 (EST) I pray for your entire family, and think of you often. Please know that Angela did not suffer during her her last moments on this earth. It was so obvious to me that she was being comforted by our dear Lord, and that she was so genuinely at peace in her faith despite her injuries. She has touched more people than you will ever know, and I know how proud you must be of having such a Godly woman as your daughter. jeff robinson <dock2u@aol.com> ventura, ca usa - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 01:03:19 (EST) May God bless you !!!!! MaryBeth <ringhome@pacbell.net> Ramona, ca USA - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 16:08:34 (EST) Your daughter's story was very inspirational. It is reasuring that one person can be able to touch so many others lives. I wish you all the best. You are in my prayers. Karla karla weinacht <weinacht@plains.nodak.edu> grand forks, nd usa - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 14:37:10 (EST) As a TAC alumni, I learned quickly of Angela's death. It struck all of us alumni to the quick I am sure, especially those of us who hiked that same trail. We commented that TAC is a good place to die as one feels so close to God there. Still I can't help feeling a horror at the thought of Angela's death. I know it must be that I do not have a supernatural outlook. Death is what we are all here for isn't it? It is the passage to God. Thank you for sharing this story about Angela. I felt a need to read it. I have so many dreams for my own child, who is just 9 months. How hard it must be to give one's child up completely to God. Yet more than anything, I want my child to be with God for eternity.Could any parent see their child die as Angela and not consider their efforts truly blessed? Joanne (Orlowski) Baker <jb@digex.net> Annandale, VA USA - Saturday, February 21, 1998 at 14:22:32 (EST) Dear Baird Family, When I first read the article I was really sad for the loss of your daughter. But I am glad to know that she reached some very important people in her life. May God blss you. Jenny. Jennifer Voelker <none> SD - Friday, February 20, 1998 at 16:11:51 (EST) Wow! How fortunate our planet is to have Angela's blessed example. God truly makes all things work for good for those who love Him, and He's done it again by taking your tragedy in losing Angela and giving her to those of us who would not have "known" her had the accident never happened. Her example shames those of us who falls so very short of taking bold steps to do God's will. Angela is an insiration, and I thank you for introducing her to me. God's greatest blessings of peace and healing upon you and your family and friends.-Terry-In His Service...at least trying to be!! Terry Brown Pruitt <TerryIHS> St. Louis , MO USA - Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at 17:43:08 (EST) God is wise and always take for His Glory the ones that loves Him the most, and reward them for this love. Our Prayers are with you, and if this young lady was within this part of the Holy Church we would know that she had a saintly death, and who knows she could be made a saint by the church, even though she is a saint with God, that we are sure. Mar +Markus p.p. I H.H. Mar +Markus p.p. I. <orthodoxcatholic@bigfoot.com> Los Angeles, CA USA - Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at 00:41:33 (EST) Thank you for sharing Angela's story. She is an inspiration to me. I will think of her in times of struggle in my faith. I pray that we can all live our lives for God as Angela did. Love and Prayers. Rosemary Gioia <rosemarymail@juno.com> St. Louis, MO USA - Monday, February 16, 1998 at 18:40:10 (EST) As a 19 year old college student, and an outdoors person who loves to go hiking in CA's great mountains, Angela's story really hit home. Thankfully, it sounds like she was ready to go home to be with Lord. I hope to have the strength she had, when my day comes. Greg Bronson <bronson@cris.com> Atascadero, CA USA - Sunday, February 15, 1998 at 22:07:18 (EST) I am deeply touched by Angelas story. It always leaves me with a sense of hopelessness, of being unable to influence the world when I hear such things. Perhaps Angela is one of the few who really DO make a difference in our world, which I stand by and watch grow darker every day that goes by. Perhaps she will spread a little light, holding off the darkness a while longer. Again, my symphaties. I have little in the ways of words to ease your pain. I doubt too many have. But I am certain that she is with our Lord now, and that He loves her for what she was and did. May you all know peace. Kenneth Aalberg <kennea@max.hint.no> Steinkjer, N/A Norway - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 20:21:12 (EST) Dear Baird Family, May God be with you at this time and always. Thank you for sharing this story with the world to show that one person can make a huge difference. Love in Christ, Brandi Brandi Fuglsby <mrkwff@dtgnet.com> Garretson, SD USA - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 18:32:38 (EST) Pray for us Angela Deirdre M.Byrne <Dedebyrne@aol.com> Mclean,, va 22102 - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 18:16:20 (EST) This is a very inspiring tribute to Angela. I mourn her loss with you and hope that her good work will be carried on by others. May her memory live forever. Amen. Stacey <SlimShadow @ Aol.com> Florissant, MO USA - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 17:47:35 (EST) Dear Baird Family, We offer you our sympathy over Angela's suffering and death, but we rejoice with you over her birth into eternal life. Thank you all for sharing her story with the world. This "fame" will allow her to do many good works from her heavenly home. We are involved in beginning a Life Teen program for several parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Our goal is to help the young people (and the older ones too!) to come to know Jesus and to live the Faith as Angela did to the end. We will invoke her special intercession for this. Thank you again. May you all be filled with Peace. The Brehany Family John and Marybeth Brehany <brehanyj@slu.edu> Maryland Heights, MO USA - Friday, February 13, 1998 at 12:35:37 (EST) Thank you for sharing a piece of Angela with me-- I can tell that she was truly a special person.... I will be praying for your family. God bless you. JoLynn Schlichting <jmschlichtin@csbsju.edu> St. Cloud, MN USA - Thursday, February 12, 1998 at 17:49:31 (EST) You are in my prayers. Andrea St. Joseph, MN - Thursday, February 12, 1998 at 17:37:45 (EST) When I read this story, I felt very sad at first. However, I was surprised by all of the strength and courage that Angela had. This story is a reminder to me that God loves us all and that we should always have faith. Rick SD - Tuesday, February 10, 1998 at 17:43:19 (EST) I really enjoyed my conversation with you this morning Mr. Baird. Angela is an inspiration to me even though I never had the privlege of meeting her or knowing her. Her story is no different than many Saint stories I have read and been inspired by in my life. Her story will be one that I always share with my children. May her soul rest in peace. Love in Christ, Mark and Monica Savage and family Monica Savage <MSAVAGE@FRAZMTN.COM> fRAZIER PARK, CA USA - Monday, February 09, 1998 at 12:52:12 (EST) BEING 11 SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SOMEONE I COULD HAVE LOOKED UP TO.I BELIEVE I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS STORY AND WHAT SHE BELIEVED IN.I'M SURE YOU MISS HER. I'LL REMEMBER HER IN MY PRAYERS. Katie Flynn <ecjckflynn@webtv.net> Kersey, PA USA - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 20:16:15 (EST) God's perfect peace & healing to your family and all those affected by Angela's death. Justin & Michelle Lefevre's Uncle Ken Ken Nicholas <kenny@coffey.com> Casper, WY USA - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 11:39:28 (EST) This is a story of heroism and victory. The account of Angela's holy death stir memories of the valiant martyrs of our heritage. In life and death, always and without distraction, they strove for the glory and cause of Christ our Lord. As the story induced my very rare tears, I failed to determine whether sorrow or admiration inspired them. This holy girl lived as I claim to try to live, and her conduct in death teaches me how far I must go. This is a story of fidelity, valour, and honour. In the anals of our spiritual warfare, all of which are being accurately recorded, to be told at The End, Angela is the pure warrior. For the sake of the whole of our beloved Church, her example MUST awaken us and inspire us to urgent and absolute service of the cause of our Lord. Dear Angela, please pray for us. Daniel Ortwerth <ortwerdl@hqamc.scott.af.mil> Saint Louis, Mo USA - Friday, February 06, 1998 at 09:08:57 (EST) Goodbye for now, sweet Angela. Thank you for bringing warm tears back to me. Your sacrifice has straightened my path and deepened my love of all things through God. Douglas McCauley <none> Santa Paula, CA USA - Thursday, February 05, 1998 at 17:31:47 (EST) My son, Doug, brought two of his TAC classmates to dinner yesterday. I heard, again, but in more detail, the story of Angela. How she spent her last hours, her request for those around her to pray for the "aborted babies." And "my Dad." With a long lifetime to prepare for death, most of us won't demonstrate such dignity and social awareness as a student from Thomas Aquinas College, Angela, brought to her own death scene. As a Marine Corps doctor in Viet Nam I often had the experience of talking to young men who lay dying. On occasion, their last words, like Angela's, reflected heroism and selflessness. I was honored to be among them. Just so, Angela and her reaction to impending death make me grateful, first of all, that my son has found this unique place where students act and react to each other in such close support, where thoughtfulness towards each other and towards society, where prayer for the unborn, where concern for family, is ... NATURAL. Angela's last gift to her classmates is not lost on one of her classmates' parents. Never having met her I can nonetheless say I love her and I thank her for the example she gives the rest of us. Robert McCauley <RFM3901@AOL.COM> SANTA ANA, CA USA - Thursday, February 05, 1998 at 07:29:20 (EST) Hello. My name is Randall. I play the charactar Spade on Patti's or Elle's mud. This is the first time I got the details on Angela's death. I too was struck by tragedy. In the first part of October a dear friend of mine was hit by a car on a large bike trip. I go to a private school. The Student's name was Julia Palmour. She was the best student and one of the people on campus. Everyone loved her dearly, including myself. I find this relevent because Julia inspired me to do something I had never done in a long time. There was a prayer session in the school chapel, and I went, and I prayed to a god that I don't believe in. I figured she would have done it for me. I suppose I am writing this because November 6th is my birthday. I turned 17 on the day Angela died. I didn't know her. I don't even believe a lot of her politics, but I am very sorry she was gone. I respect the fact that she offered counciling to people who were getting abortions as opposed to calling them murderers. She sounded like a good person. As an atheist I meet so few "good" christians these days. I mean people who honestly try to love all people no matter what they do or believe in. This is just my personal experience, anyway I am not here to argue about religion. I am here to say that Angela was probably a good Christian. Julia was. Randall Howell <Rhowell@rabungap.pvt.k12.ga.us> Rabun Gap, GA - Wednesday, February 04, 1998 at 21:23:13 (EST) I AM NEW TO THE NET SO MY LAST NOTE WAS SHORT.I WAS WITH THE GRIMM FAMILY WHEN I HEARD OF ANGELA'S DEATH.WE PRAYED FOR HER .MY SON AND DAUGHTER ARE TAC GRADUATES AND THE TOO PRAY THE ROSARY AT AN ABORTION CLINIC.I AM SO VERY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS.WE WILL PRAY FOR HER AND YOU. carol laurence pasadena, ca la - Wednesday, February 04, 1998 at 02:06:42 (EST) god bless you carol laurence - Wednesday, February 04, 1998 at 01:35:44 (EST) Mike and Family, I never had the pleasure of meeting your beautiful daughter. I was however very blessed by your friendship, Mike. I will never forget how lovingly you spoke of your family. What a lovely tribute you have created in her name. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless! Jennifer Scott <jescott@imt.net> Bozeman, MT USA - Tuesday, February 03, 1998 at 23:40:21 (EST) Dear Mr. and Mrs. Baird and family, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to sign here. The website looks gorgeous--a fitting tribute to Angela. A few of my friends and I have been praying for her intercession lately, and have discovered how powerful she is in heaven! I'm sure the Father can't resist her innocent charm! You are all in my prayers; I think about you often. Thank you again for everything you have done for me. I hope to see you again soon. God Bless you all and may you remain in Mary's heart! Love and Prayers, Shannon. Shannon Gaffney <scgsmileGLU@juno.com> Santa Paula, CA - Tuesday, February 03, 1998 at 15:07:51 (EST) I just read about Angela yesterday. The article reminds me of my brother who died not long ago at age 32. It's a sad yet happy story. Someone whom you love and must part with, but who also sleeps in the hands of God. Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur. May God bless you. JAMES CROUSE CADYVILLE, NY - Tuesday, February 03, 1998 at 12:04:19 (EST) I read about your daughter in the Our Sunday Visitor. I can only hope and pray that my eight children learn how important prayer is, as Angela knew. She is truly an inspiration to our youth and parents, alike. You are all in our prayers. Jenifer Murphy <jmurphy@up.net> Painesdale, MI USA - Monday, February 02, 1998 at 00:16:54 (EST) Dear Baird Family, My mother passes on to me her copies of Our Sunday Visitor, and I read of your daughter's holy life and death. There is nothing I could say which would add to all the sentiments I've read here from everyone, but I agree with all of them. How blessed we are to have another modern-day saint like Angela! May her beautiful example inspire all of us to go beyond what we have done before to try and end the abomination of abortion forever. I will share your daughter's story with our pastor, our religious ed. coordinator (what a role model for our youth!), and our Monday night Rosary/Eucharistic Adoration group, who prays especially for an end to abortion. May your family always be kept in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Love, Julie and the Stumphauzer Family Julie <stumpetc@centuryinter.net> Vermilion, OH USA - Friday, January 30, 1998 at 08:51:07 (EST) J.M.J.--I thank God for the precious example of Angela. With gratitude to Jesus and Mary, I ask the Lord to send us many more pro-life servants who will cheerfully offer their prayers and sacrifices for preborn children and all in- volved in the abortion "industry." I will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the happy repose of Angela's im- mortal soul. AVE MARIA! Father Charles M. Mangan <sacredheart@eaglepeak.com> Gettysburg, SD USA - Thursday, January 29, 1998 at 22:17:04 (EST) To all of Angela's family, a woman emailed me today after having seen the pro-life links on my website and informed me of another Angela who was pro-life and gave me your URL. I had no idea what was in store for me by clicking on that link, but after reading about Angela's life and death only tears can come to my eyes. Not really entirely sad tears, but also tears of thankfulness that she was able to live such an example. I wish I could have known her personally, she is truly a remarkable young woman. I pray she will continue forever to be an example to all of us in how to live life and that we can all emulate her. One particular thing comes to mind reading her story, Song of Solomon 8:6,7 "Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm. For love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If one offered for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly scorned" That scripture has new meaning to me now. It used to just describe the love of a husband and wife to me but now, I see it as much more, describing selfless love that Angela seemed to have had for everyone and everything. I may never have known her, but I will never forget her just the same. I thank God above and you for having shared her story with us. I only hope I can be half the person she was. All my love and prayers, Angela Morris Angela Morris <boogie@borg.com> NY USA - Tuesday, January 27, 1998 at 07:32:51 (EST) Thank you for sharing Angela's story with us. Our own 17 year old daughter died December 26, 1997 in a automobile accident in Guadalajara, Mexico. She wanted her organs donated so that others may continue to live. Katie's life has always been one of giving to others. We will pray for your family and hope you will pray for us. God Bless, Dean & Molly Westbrook Dean & Molly Westbrook <westb@open.org> Mt. Angel, OR USA - Saturday, January 24, 1998 at 20:51:07 (EST) I was deeply moved by Angela's story in 'Our Sunday Visitor' this past week. Having two young adults of my own (one being deathly ill at an early age), I can imagine your painful loss. May you be consoled by the knowledge that your 'Angel' is now glorifying the Lord and our Blessed Mother Mary with the 'Holy Innocents' she valliently fought to save! Her short life bore witness to her great faith, the seeds of which without a doubt were planted by you - her loving parents and siblings. I pray that you will continue in her footsteps; her path most certainly will lead you and others into the Kingdom of God! May the Holy Family bless you with peace! Thank you for sharing this intimacy; you are an inspiration! You remain in our prayers. Gail Richard <applejk@tiac.net> Ashburnham, Ma USA - Friday, January 23, 1998 at 01:06:12 (EST) It is said that God saves our tears and gives us credit in life for our pain and suffering. He also gives us credit in life for dying for the same reason. Angela's credit will be multiplied hundred-fold for even in her final moments she thought of the unborn children and not of herself. God was so touched by her love He just knew she belonged with all the souls who would never know life. She is truly an angel sent from God! Nancy Juguilon <stmonica2@juno.com> Cleveland, OH USA - Thursday, January 22, 1998 at 16:21:01 (EST) I am a friend and ex-classmate of Jon Daly's. I think he is a great person. Jon and I became good friends in high school. Any friend of Jon's must have been nothing less than wonderful. My prayers go out to the Baird Family and to all her friends, especially Jon. Tracy Evans <tevans@sundance.usd.edu> Vermillion, SD United States - Wednesday, January 21, 1998 at 19:37:16 (EST) We know that Angela is with our Lord, Jesus Christ in Paradise. My prayers for the Baird Family, are for strength and healing in your lives. The Lord is with you, Amen Thomas J. Moyski <Stomoy@aol.com> Fenton, Mi U.S.A. - Wednesday, January 21, 1998 at 13:43:13 (EST) My heart goes out to you in your loss. Your daughter was clearly a gift of God's grace in your lives. I think that how pure we are in heart is defined by how easily we do God's will. She must be a very pure soul to have left ths world praying for others. Jacci Dowdell <jaccimd@webtv.net> Tempe, AZ - Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 01:08:44 (EST) We were touched and inspired by reading about Angela's story. We are Byzantine Catholics and belong to two parishes in the Pgh. area (St. Andrew the Apostle in Gibsonia, and Holy Ghost on the North Side). We will forward a copy of Angela's story to Byzantine Catholic World (our local diocesan newspaper) and to the two pastors of our parishes. Betty & Mark Warhola <WarholMark@aol.com> Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 20:37:31 (EST) In every age, God sends particular Saints who are essential in His plan to heal the troubles of the times. Angela has awakened a new spirit in those who work to defend the unborn. She is our pro-life Saint today. Thank you, Mrs. Baird, for her life. Camille E. De Blasi Snohomish, WA - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 14:17:17 (EST) We want to thank you for this beautiful site. May her memory and her prayers remind us to stop the killing of the millions of defenseless unborn. HUMAN LIFE of WA <hlwa@aol.com> Redmond, WA USA - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 11:24:15 (EST) Dear Baird Family: Mr. & Mrs. Baird, thank you for bringing Angela into this world and passing your faith on to her. You have my deepest sympathy. Angela's brothers and sisters, my own sister died 17 months ago. My heart aches with yours. Angela, thank you for the grace of God your life brought into our desperate world. Please pray for me. Sandy Wedel Monarch, MT U.S.A. - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 03:04:32 (EST) Dear Baird Family, We are a TAC family and our son, Kevin, was in Angela's section. Your web site is a beautiful tribute to her and reinforces all the wonderful things we have heard about Angela. Your family will remain in our prayers. Janet and Lee Rea <leerea@socketis.net> Jefferson City, MO USA - Sunday, January 18, 1998 at 23:56:44 (EST) Dear Baird Family, While a group of us were demonstrating and praying outside a recent Planned Parenthood dinner held in honor of Roe Vs Wade, we were told of this extraordinary young lady and her selfless love. May Angela's inspiring example and her prayers continue to touch many hearts. Steven De Lacy <stevendelacy@thegrid.net> Costa Mesa, CA - Sunday, January 18, 1998 at 18:05:16 (EST) I just read the article in Our Sunday Visitor this morning and was immediately moved to tears because of the great love in this childs heart. Praise be to God. Many will be inspired by the life of this saint. John P. Abeyta <John.Abeyta@avnet.com.INET> Chandler, AZ USA - Saturday, January 17, 1998 at 14:52:07 (EST) May God's smile be upon you in this life, and upon your daughter for all eternity....... richard danhauer <r.danhauer@ziggycom.net> princeton, ky usa - Saturday, January 17, 1998 at 10:58:56 (EST) "...and it is by dying that we are born into eternal Life." -St.Francis God bless! Tim Chirdon <eimisophrosune@rocketmail.com> Cleveland, OH USA - Saturday, January 17, 1998 at 04:20:52 (EST) Dear Baird Family, What a very moving and heartbreaking site. Angela must have been a wonderful joy for all those fortunate enough to have known her. God bless. Paul Brown <brownp@cadvision.com> Calgary, Ab Canada - Friday, January 16, 1998 at 23:28:40 (EST) Mike and Family, Leroy O. Miller <Leroymiller2@juno.com> Spokane, WA USA - Friday, January 16, 1998 at 22:33:42 (EST) Dear Baird Family: I offer you my heartfelt condolences at the news of Angela's passing. My heart is filled with happiness upon reading the many testimonials of Angela's life. In the course of my daily life I often succumb to the daily frailities of faith challenges. I am reminded today, through Angela's profound example of life, that God, Angels, and Saints (especially mindful of St. Jude) are around us. I believe also that the souls of Saints, such as Angela, live on in the souls of those still here. Thank you for sharing your Angela with me. I'll invoke her holiness especially during those temptuous times in daily life that I feel the loss of love and compassion for those around me. In Christ, Enrique Serna Enrique (Henry) G. Serna <Guad@Futureone.com> Guadalupe, AZ U.S.A. - Friday, January 16, 1998 at 11:18:25 (EST) I am very sorry to hear of your loss. My nephew Patrick, a seminarian in Rome, asked me to look at your web page. My heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my prayers. Pepa Volpe <ppa001@aol.com> Houston, Tx USA - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 20:59:10 (EST) Dear Baird Family, Please accept my condolences. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Angela, she has touched my life with her edifying life and death. I thank God for the gift of her life and also for the wonderful example of faith, love and family values which you have shared in your wonderful memorial to Angela. We will have a Mass offered for Angela in our Convent Chapel , January 17th and for the intentions of the Baird Family on January 19th. Prayerfully, Sister M. Michelle Sister M. Michelle, Carmel DCJ <sr.m.m.m@worldnet.att.net> Corpus Christi, Tx USA - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 15:44:09 (EST) I just want to say that it is so rare during this age as well as any other age, to hear of someone dying in such a noble manner. Your Angela was an inspiration to the rest of us. May she rest in peace. May her soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace, amen. Fred C. Wilson III <vamaxwell@aol.com> Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 12:47:30 (EST) Dear Baird family, My condolences on the loss of your beautiful daughter. I will bring her message to the high school youth of Incarnate Word Academy through my homilies. Rev. Glen Mullan <gmullan@mail.interconnect.net> Corpus Christi, TX USA - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 09:14:51 (EST) To the Baird family, My family and I offer you our most sincere condolences. My wife and I have seven children and we can only imagine the loss you are experiencing. Our children range in age from 3 to 23 and we pray that they, and we, all will develop the faith, hope, and charity in Christ that Angela exhibited. Your loss is a great sadness, but we hope you can find consolation in Angela's holy death and that she will surely be in the embrace of our Blessed Lord and His Holy Mother. As I attend the March For Life in D.C. next week with my fourth eldest son (18) and my elder of two daughters (11) we will dedicate our efforts this year to Angela and to her intentions. I'm certain her prayers will continue to be with the pro-life movement! God bless you and keep you all. Jan. 15, 1998. Carl Zepeda <zippity @bright.net> Rockford, OH - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 07:25:18 (EST) To the Baird Family: I received minutes ago a letter from my cousin who knows Angelaīs brother, his name is Patrick...in fact, my other cousin, Patrickīs brother, named David, died the same day as Angela. Patrick is now in Rome, heīs becoming a priest, and iīm sure heīll make a great one. I felt the need to write u eventhough i donīt know you, but it moved me so much i canīt stop crying not even now. U have a valiant daughter, i hope she and David are with our Lord, looking down on us. Iīm sure they are. With my most sincerely affection: Erika Gutierrez. ErikaGutierrez <al591010@campus.cegs.itesm.mx> Monterrey, NL Mexico - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 03:39:33 (EST) God bless and keep your beautiful and strong daughter. Our prayers are with you. Beau and Susan Whisenant <bcwsew@aol.com> College Station, Texas USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 23:52:14 (EST) To the Baird Family, I only just read of your daughter's life and death today in Our Sunday Visitor. My condolences for her tragic yet victorious death. As a father of three I can only hope and pray that my own children will follow her example. May God grant her eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon her. She will be included in our daily family rosary intentions. Sincerely, Stanley M. Higgins Stanley M. Higgins <smhiggins@pol.net> Davenport, IA USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 23:10:59 (EST) Dear Baird Family, I am a freshman at the University of Dallas and I learned of your daughter's tragic death through my cousin who attends the Highlands School. My aunt told me of Angela's bravery and of her prayers for the innocent babies and for her father. Upon hearing this story my eyes filled with tears, for it was such an inspiring act of courage and faith. The ironic part of the whole situation is that my brother, Patrick Serna, is friends with your daughter, Kathy. He, too, was saddened to hear of Angela's tragic death. I want you to know that I understand your loss being that I lost my older brother. All I can tell you is that your faith will see you through this. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely, Erika Serna Erika Serna <eserna@acad.udallas.edu> Dallas, TX US - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 19:43:52 (EST) Dear Baird Family: Although we did not have the priviledge of having met your very special daughter, Angela, we were greatly moved upon learning about her tragic death, her incredible spirit and courage, her great faith in God, and her dedication to ending abortions. Although she is now in the gentle hands of God, the Virgin Mary, and all the angels and saints, and much more happy than we will ever be in this life, we are very sorry for you, the family, for the terrible loss of not having her with you any longer. We, too, lost our 19 year old "angel", David, in November, 1992, and our hearts will forever remain with a gaping hole, until we hopefully meet him again in heaven. Zeke and Mary M. Serna <zsernacc@aol.com> Corpus Christi, TX USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 18:58:40 (EST) Dear Baird Family, We were deeply saddened to hear of Angela's tragic death. Our hearts and our prayers are with you and Angela at this time. Thank you for sharing this memorial with us. We have come to know Angela for the first time through these testimonies of her life at TAC. Your family has been a source of inspiration to me personally since we met you in June of 1993. Peggy, you opened your home to me and my children to explore homeschooling possibilities. Since that time of growth and change in our family I have looked to your family as a model of the heroic Catholic family. You will never know what strength you have passed on to me just by your example and also by the hours spent on the phone with me explaining our Catholic Faith in a way that I was never taught. Thank you. Your children have received a great gift from God to have you as parents and Angela is a beautiful testimony of your good stewardship of the children the Lord has given you. We pray that you will continue to know God's great comfort and peace. God bless you, dear friends. Kathy and John Tappel <jtappel@aol.com> Exning village, United Kingdom - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 17:43:28 (EST) Her brief life was a spark that continues to light fires. She will be my patroness of confidence and counsel. Her example can be used to continue her work in bringing to others the Kingdom of God. My prayers are with you. Arthur G. Quinn <p011458b@pb.seflin.org> West Palm Beach, Fl USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 16:02:42 (EST) DEAR BAIRD FAMILY: WE READ OF THE LOSS OF YOUR DEAR ANGELA IN THE VISITOR...IT TOUCHED US DEEPLY...WE THANK GOD FOR GIVING US HIS ANGEL ANGELA FOR THIS SHORT TIME TO HELP OUR WORLD KNOW HIS LOVE FOR US...WHAT A TRULY INSPIRING YOUNG LADY' OUR LOVE AND PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU..BERNIE & ELAINE BERNIE & ELAINE McHALE <ELAINEM123aAOL.COM> GREENSBORO, NC USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 16:02:08 (EST) While we were saddend to hear the news of Angela's death, we were greatly encouraged by the holiness of her passage to Our Father's house. While our memories of your family fade from the time we knew you in Colorado Springs, one memory that remained clear was of a loving faithful family who provided an example of faith lived in a ordinary way amid a pagan culture. May we all, who reflect on Angela's example, be worthy to PARTY with her at the Heavenly Wedding Feast of the Lamb! Tim, Laura and the Prudhomme Family Timothy, Laura Prudhomme <tim.prudhomme@lmco.com> Franktown, CO USA - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 10:19:00 (EST) January 14, 1998 Dear Baird family, I'm a seminarian for the diocese of Corpus Christi and befriended Kathy at UD. She told me of the incident and I am deeply moved, especially since Angela's departure of this life and entrance into eternal life occurred on the same day as my only brother David's. Additionally, my brother David was only 19 years old, just like Angela. After reading the short biography, it is obvious that God was providentially setting the stage for Angela's entrance into heaven. Her last activities and occupations on earth were very much God oriented. You and Angela will be in my prayers. In Christ, Patrick Serna J.Patrick Serna <jpserna@pcn.net> Rome, Italy - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 02:30:54 (EST) Dear Baird family, I'm sure these past two months have not been the best. I can imagine no greater sorrow than to lose a family member before the holidays. I am inspired by the beautiful story of your daughter, sister, and friend. She must have been a truly heart warming person to be with. As I read the articles and letters on the web page I saw a young lady whose life was committed to being like Jesus'. It speaks well of her heritage and upbringing. Your family is in my prayers and tears. May our Father comfort you in this tulmutous time. Randy Bowman <rsbowman@computerpro.com> Superior, WI 54880 - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 01:50:03 (EST) I can only thank the Lord, for such a special person as Angela. She has been an incredible witness to this generation and I pray that her story can reach many,and rebuild hope and love in their lives. We have written a short article on Angela in our Feb. issue of You!, I pray that our effort to help spread her love and prayer for all unborn babies, is blessed by our Lord. Thank You all for being so open to share. God Bless you and keep you always in His Love. Cameron and staff at You! Magazine <youmag@earthlink.net> Westlake Village, CA USA - Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 12:49:26 (EST) I don't know what to say except we were deeply moved. We will continue to pray for the unborn and Saint Angela, because we are sure that is what she is. There is so much we won't know until we meet God but I'm convinced people like Angela have a special place in heaven. We also thank God that there are people like her in this world. God bless you for bringing her up as you did, God knew all along what kind of parents you would be and that must be why he entrusted her to your care. Through the communion of saints, we know that Angela will continue her work for the rights of the unborn. God bless you! Jon, Heather & our new baby (Miriam) <we-move@netins.net> Clear Lake, IA USA - Monday, January 12, 1998 at 17:48:17 (EST) Not sure how I stumbled on to this web site, but it breaks my heart, that a family has to go through this. God Bless and keep the faith. Hugs & Love Joe <minnich@aol.com> Dayton, , OH USA - Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 14:06:51 (EST) May God Bless each and everyone in her family. What a special blessing to have had such a wonderful daughter in your lives. May you have comfort in knowing she is with other Angel's in our Heaven Above with our Lord and Savior...what a wonderful person she touched so many lives...... jackie stockman <jdewdles> ca - Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 01:36:26 (EST) DEAR MIKE AND PEGGY AND FAMILY, I am thankful that I finally found this! It has deeply warmed my heart as I have gone through and read about the loss and memories of Angela. Even though it has been years since I have actually seen all of you, I do have the chance to see you at church on my visits home. During my visits it brings back memories of when I did see you often at church functions or even some of those sleep overs and Sunday afternoon play times I had with Patricia and Christine. The last encounter I had with Angela was at my sister Michele's wedding in May of 1996. Angela was right there with all of us girls helping Michele look her best. She was just like one of us, even though I didn't know her that well; her warm personality made me feel like I had known her forever. She was helping us all doing all she could, helping even the ones she didn't know, like my little ones. It is amazing to read about her and all of her accomplishments and how many lives she has touched. What a beautiful inspiration she is to everyone! I hope that you are always able to remember all the wonderful things she has instilled in so many lives and what a beautiful daughter the two of you have brought into this world. I was touched to read about her last hours, what a beautiful beautiful person she is!! God bless you and your family. Your in my prayers. Tina Colledge TINA COLLEDGE (CARHART) - Saturday, January 10, 1998 at 11:49:04 (EST) So sorry for your loss. Will pray for you. nancy white <unlisted> c. h., ca usa - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 17:14:40 (EST) Dearest Bairds, Mike, Peggy and Family, We have felt your loss and it has made an impact on our family also. We knew Angela slightly through the Homeschool Group, but I always thought she was especially beautiful. I am amazed at the people who have written from all over the USA and even other countries. I hope that she will continue to touch many peoples hearts all over the world, for the unborn babies and the Walking wounded amongst us who consent to Abortion for whatever reason and later realize how wrong it was and suffer the Soul Wounds and physical Scars of that decision. Thank You Lord for the gift of Angela and others like her we need those special Angels amongst us. Love and Hugs, Sharon, Micah and Marlin Roach Sharon Roach <froach598@juno.com> Medical Lake, WA Spokane - Thursday, January 08, 1998 at 19:11:51 (EST) I read about Angela in both the San Diego News Notes and Los Angeles Mission newspapers, then later found out about your website,which I am printing out and distributing. I cried through the articles and your website. There is something about Angela and this story that is very, very special, and touched me very deeply. May her story be spread far and wide. I grieve for your tragic loss, but at the same time, I believe your family has been blessed and privileged to have such an obviously holy member. I'm sure that the family that reared Angela also has other very holy members! May we all learn from Angela, and Angela, please intercede for the unborn here on earth and all those struggling to protect them, as well as those enslaved by the culture of death. Stephanie Hopping <shopping@adnc.com> Chula Vista, CA - Thursday, January 08, 1998 at 03:17:33 (EST) Guestbook continues on page 4
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